Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Chiseled Stone Alphabet Addon

This addon allows crafting of new stonecutter recipes.  The letters A-Z, numbers, exclamation, and question mark characters are craftable in survival from smooth stone blocks.  Remember to enable experimental gameplay to allow custom blocks in addons.

Download .mcaddon file

  1. Download the .mcaddon file and run it on your device. This will start Minecraft and import the addon files.
  2. Add the new behavior and resources packs to your world.
  3. Enable [Use Experimental Gameplay] in the world settings. This will be necessary until a future Bedrock update.
  4. Finally, start your game.


  1. あなたが言っている注意する事を全てしましたが、適応されません。

  2. nice, it works. would love to have more colorful options sometime, and a creative menu with the letters.
