Friday, August 30, 2019

Shallow Seas Biome Pack

This addon contains a biome pack that generates a world of shallow seas and marshlands.  I made this one by accident and found that many of the ships were raised to the surface.  Most of the vanilla biomes are represented but flattened a bit or changed in strange ways.

Download .mcpack file

  1. Download the .mcpack file and run it on your device. This will start Minecraft and import the addon files.
  2. Add the new behavior pack to your world.
  3. Enable [Use Experimental Gameplay] in the world settings. This will be necessary until a future Bedrock update.
  4. Finally, start your game.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Chiseled Stone Alphabet Addon

This addon allows crafting of new stonecutter recipes.  The letters A-Z, numbers, exclamation, and question mark characters are craftable in survival from smooth stone blocks.  Remember to enable experimental gameplay to allow custom blocks in addons.

Download .mcaddon file

  1. Download the .mcaddon file and run it on your device. This will start Minecraft and import the addon files.
  2. Add the new behavior and resources packs to your world.
  3. Enable [Use Experimental Gameplay] in the world settings. This will be necessary until a future Bedrock update.
  4. Finally, start your game.

Endless Winter Biome

This addon will generate a world filled with snow covered biomes. There is a mix of plains and forests, and a few thawed and frozen lakes. Since these features require experimental mode, other biomes may pop in occasionally, and there may be things out of place.

Download .mcpack file

  1. Download the .mcaddon file and run it on your device.  This will start Minecraft and import the addon files.
  2. Add the new behavior pack to your world.  (You must do this on a new world for biome packs)
  3. Enable [Use Experimental Gameplay] in the world settings.  This will be necessary until a future Bedrock update.
  4. Finally, start your game.

Endless Forests Biome

This addon creates a world mostly covered in dark oak forests and jungles.  A few plains and water features occasionally break up the tree cover.  Biome generation is still experimental in the current Bedrock version, so some things will be out of place.  Villages and strongholds will still be found however.

  1. Download the .mcaddon file and run it on your device.  This will start Minecraft and import the addon files.
  2. Add the new behavior pack to your world.  (You must do this on a new world for biome packs)
  3. Enable [Use Experimental Gameplay] in the world settings.  This will be necessary until a future Bedrock update.
  4. Finally, start your game.

Endless Desert Biome

   This addon creates a world dominated by barren deserts.  An occasional non-desert oasis can be found if you travel far enough.  You can also find dried sea-beds with exposed shipwrecks and other structures.

Download .mcaddon file

  1. Download the .mcaddon file and run it on your device. This will start Minecraft and import the addon files.
  2. Add the new behavior pack to your world. (You must do this on a new world for biome packs)
  3. Enable [Use Experimental Gameplay] in the world settings. This will be necessary until a future Bedrock update.
  4. Finally, start your game.

Endless Mesa Biome

This addon creates a world dominated by mesa biomes.  Rivers and towns can sometimes be found scattered among the wastes, and these may be your only chance to find trees and other resources.  After installing the addon, add the behavior pack to your world and enable Use Experimental Gameplay.  This addon will only work with new worlds.

Download .mcaddon file

  1. Download the .mcaddon file and run it on your device.  This will start Minecraft and import the addon files.
  2. Add the new behavior pack to your world.  (You must do this on a new world for biome packs)
  3. Enable [Use Experimental Gameplay] in the world settings.  This will be necessary until a future Bedrock update.
  4. Finally, start your game.